Download Comic Life 2 +Crack (No Broken Link)

Nah, Pernah kenal Comic Life kan!? hmm, mungkin bisa dibilang tampilannya kurang menarik, baiklah.. mungkin kalau comic life membosankan, kita coba COMIC LIFE 2 + crack hahaha....

Yap, comic life 2 ini memiliki fitur-fitur baru: 
Fitur Baru
Introduces full template support.
Meaning you get a great head start on your projects!

Spell checker support.
Make sure those tricky words are spelled correctly with the intergrated spell checker!

PDF exports
Now you can easily export to the popular PDF format!

Advanced balloon control.
Raises your comics to the next level

Advanced text flow
for precision layout

Predefined and freeform shapes
for more creative expression

Enhanced user interface that preserves ease of use
while providing quick access to more advanced features

More comic fonts and panel layouts are included
for more customization and fun

Improved page numbering system
for easy placement and defining starting number

NewerStories OlderStories Beranda

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